Randy Lowden: Redhead
Gord Sawyer: Pine Marten
jsnchezyage: Archibebe claro (Tringa nebularia)
Ana Mendes do Carmo: Bufo-real / Bubo bubo
Bruno Conjeaud: Superb Starling
Sultan Sultani: Golden-crowned Sparrow Broke A branch of Tree
Alberto.G.Santervás: Probando equipo
Gf220warbler: Mountain Bluebird
Turk Images: Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep - Lamb
esquilatorres: Armiño
esquilatorres: Lince Ibérico
esquilatorres: Lince Ibérico
esquilatorres: Delfín Manchado del Atlántico
esquilatorres: Perdiz Común
anacm.silva: Port Lincoln Parrot / Australian ringneck
esquilatorres: Treparriscos. La hembra capturando una presa
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_7749
kizbura: Picchio Rosso Maggiore (Dendrocopos Major )
RICARA: Gineta (Genetta genetta)
Bruno Conjeaud: Thomson's Gazelle
luis costa: Pisco-de-peito-ruivo
Thomas Retterath: The catch
AlaskaFreezeFrame: Red Fox Female Hunting Along Rapidly Freezing River
Rosa Gamboias: Ornate Sunbird (Cinnyris ornatus)
lifewild2010 (Patrick A. Martin): Eagles and 1 dead fish6
philippeoros: Accenteur Alpin (please zoom in)
luis costa: Toutinegra-de-barrete (♂)
Rafel Ferrandis: Mussol marí (Asio flammeus)