Rfunnell: Leica Q2 with Felix
_markforbes_: Rolleiflex
sbling/: contax T2
ekamil: Oh Tumblr
andi_heuser: Verlassene Villla #2 (grosses Schlafzimmer)
Matt J Peers: Coney Island 4
andi_heuser: Verlassene Villa #3 (Wohnzimmer)
el.naboka: 000010
el.naboka: 000007
stocks photography: the steamy city
simoncini.nicola: stained glass art
Ian Beaks: The Menders - Paul's yard
Scott_ren: NEX5C leica 35 2A
zmike97: _DSC2959-a7contax501.4
CorgiHouse: Exakta facelift: work in progress
T A U F I K: Exakta vx 2a
AKproject: in the dark
Darryl Hughes: White & Blue
PHOTODRAMA *: Analog Project: Paloma III
sonken: Old car
zmike97: 025-canon AF35ML