Barrie Brown CPAGB: Vigilant Burrowing Owl
Barrie Brown CPAGB: Silently quartering the flower meadow
Barrie Brown CPAGB: Red Kite, in flight
Barrie Brown CPAGB: Ear inspection time
MarcoPastorino: Farfalla Gialla
Thistle-Down2: Raft Spider with egg sac.
Thistle-Down2: Brown Hairstreak.
Thistle-Down2: Brown Argus
Thistle-Down2: Southern Hawker Aeshna cyanea.
Thistle-Down2: Silver-Studded Blue.
Thistle-Down2: Migrant Hawker Aeshna mixta male. (uncropped)
Thistle-Down2: Brown Hawker Aeshna grandis.
Thistle-Down2: Dolycoris baccarum Hairy Shieldbug, Late instar nymph.
Thistle-Down2: Ornate Tailed Digger Wasp - Cerceris rybyensis.
Thistle-Down2: Small Heath Salisbury Plain.
Jeanda.60: Chevalier gambette_14
Jeanda.60: Pic épeiche_167
Jeanda.60: Aeschne mixte_33
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 4 18M views): Downey Woodpecker Perched
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 4 18M views): Grebe chick sheltered in Reeds
wil.leurs333: Sooty Copper, Lycaena tityrus
wil.leurs333: Bruin blauwtje, Brown argus, Aricia agestis
wil.leurs333: Black Hairstreak, Pruimenpage, Satyrium pruni
Stan Parrott: Brown-Hairstreak (f)
andy_porter69: brown hairstreak
Bob Eade: Brown Hairstreak
Full Moon Images: Cormorant (image 1 of 2)