dennis greenwood: About to be mugged in flight (1 of 1)
Pam P Photos: Pied Wagtail
Peanut1371: Pied Wagtail
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC2864 Purple Heron..
andy price2011: _DSC6910
andy price2011: _DSC6908
andy price2011: Buz the Buzzard Lake District, Brothers Water
Allan Drewitt: Splendid Fairy-wren
Ruth S Hart: Common Buzzard
Full Moon Images: Fieldfare
redmanian: Wheatear
Colin 2013: Redwing.
geraintparry: Sgwd Gwladys
Alan Walkington: As darkness falls the Owl goes hunting...this time success a rodent!
andy_harris62: Bittern
Dale Ayres: Turnstone ( Arenaria interpres )
Dale Ayres: Black Redstart ( Phoenicurus ochruros )
21mapple: Getting a little lighter at Mam Tor
Wildlife Terry: Angelic Gull
Derbyshire Harrier: Pink Waxcap
George Findlay: I'm up here
Mike's Birds: Flicker at the bubbler
georgepulford: Blue tit feeding!
alison_sparrow: Male Bearded Tit
Adam Karnacz: Roseberry Topping
Rob Booth Imagery: Tortoiseshell
rosebudl1959: Blue Tit - Cyanistes caeruleus