sambirder06: Cape May Warbler
Omygodtom: World of Bees.
Omygodtom: Being Young.
Omygodtom: To Fast.
dirkvanmourik: 140.04 Fluweelwever
Omygodtom: Going in.
ricketdi: Savannah Sparrow / Bruant des prés ( Richard )
martinpettinger: Kingfisher ( F ) -4447 SVPX 1
sbuckinghamnj: Lasiophila orbifera (Fiery satyr)
stevericketts: Black Swallowtail Butterfly
Kevin B Agar: Bearded Tit, Panurus biarmicus
patrickcolhoun: Sedge warbler
Omygodtom: Two for one.
martinpettinger: Chaffinch ( M ) - 7863 SVPX 2
christianeleouet1: Bergeronnette grise / White wagtail
billbigfish: Just the right angle!
mikeculley591: 1F2A1342-Edit
Ian Locock Photography: European Bee-eater
Omygodtom: Watch and Learn.
Rolando CRINITI: Falco cuculo _004
Omygodtom: Invaded.
Gf220warbler: Red-necked Grebe
Gf220warbler: Red-necked Grebe
martinpettinger: Chaffinch ( M ) - 7308 SVPXi2
Omygodtom: Watching others.
martinpettinger: Wren -3363 SVPX i1
creaturesnapper: Swollen-thighed Beetle -- Oedemera nobilis
creaturesnapper: Sawfly -- Rhogogaster chlorosoma
martinpettinger: Avocet - 0449 SVPX i2
Omygodtom: Guardeion.