hedera.baltica: Mrs Woodpecker
yorkshirewildlife.uk: Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis
garryoldfield1968: Green Woodpecker at Moore
Karl Bishop: Hen Harrier
garryoldfield1968: Photography is in my heart!
Karl Bishop: Little Stint
Karl Bishop: Curlew Sandpiper
garryoldfield1968: Bearded Tit
garryoldfield1968: Bearded Tit
Laszlo Bacs: Osprey with catfish
garryoldfield1968: Squabbling Kingfishers - this is my post!
Karl Bishop: Barn Owl
Mykel46: Right behind you!
garryoldfield1968: Kingfisher Smackdown!
garryoldfield1968: Sedge Warbler
Karl Bishop: Kingfisher
Karl Bishop: Kingfisher
garryoldfield1968: Tug of War
Karl Bishop: White-Winged Black Tern
Karl Bishop: Redstart
Karl Bishop: Hooded Crow
garryoldfield1968: Reed Warbler
RCB4J: things we walk past - grass seedhead
Karl Bishop: Black Guillemot
Karl Bishop: White Tailed Eagle
Karl Bishop: White Tailed Eagle