Puhlman: LA&SL (Long Angled Shadows Lingering)
Puhlman: Cima Sub at Sundown
Puhlman: One Market Street
Puhlman: Signage Stegasoaras Style
Puhlman: DPR from afar
Puhlman: Summer sun warms DPR's set of motive power
Puhlman: Atop the summit at Goffs
Puhlman: Way out west
Puhlman: Dirty dirt removal motive power rests in low evening light
Puhlman: Scenes from the South Pacific Coast 2 of 4
Puhlman: Scenes from the former South Pacific Coast 1 of 4
Puhlman: Scenes from the former California Pacific 3 of 4
Puhlman: Scenes from the former California Pacific 2 of 4
Puhlman: Bay bound. But before the bay, the delta
Puhlman: BN Santa Fe west nearing the top of the pass
Puhlman: Westbound atop the pass
Puhlman: Waiting on Two West (North)
Puhlman: Scenes on the former California Pacific 1 of 4
Puhlman: Daylight Even in Darkness; Just Beyond the Sunset
Puhlman: "And don't forget to give my love to Rose (Canyon)"
Puhlman: Rolling solo
Puhlman: Empties depart at first light
Puhlman: Post-dawn long distance going away shot
Puhlman: USG at dawn
Puhlman: Rancho cuckoo munch ya
Puhlman: Show time for the 59
Puhlman: And then there was one (tower)
Puhlman: Former AMTK unit sits astride the deadline
Puhlman: It's all down hill from here
Puhlman: West slope of Sherman under limited light