Puhlman: I love detail shots and symmetry
Puhlman: How good are we at our State Capitals?
Puhlman: How do you follow up two whopers on Altamont? Why more Boxology of course!!!111
Puhlman: Need to shoot these guys before Siemens Mobility screws things up for EMD fans--I don't care if the F40's are rebuilds. To be continued.
Puhlman: Niles Canyon
Puhlman: May Gray? Nonsense. Never miss one.
Puhlman: Behold: Boxology
Puhlman: Elephant style at Reverse
Puhlman: Nothing more than a moment in time. Or 1/100th of a second to be exact
Puhlman: Because I love winter railroading oh so much
Puhlman: Behold Palisade-a nod to 5-10-69
Puhlman: Side at Salvation
Puhlman: Salvation. Sweet salvation.
Puhlman: Pots o Mud
Puhlman: Bombay Beach happenings
Puhlman: Pope, CA
Puhlman: Black Mesa & Lake Powell in non-black and white
Puhlman: Black (& White) Mesa and Lake John Wesley Powell RR. Oh and three Mexicano units
Puhlman: Anticipation
Puhlman: Desert at Dusk
Puhlman: Empties return and just in time
Puhlman: Blade displaying all three aspects
Puhlman: Sig head
Puhlman: Blue light getting there...
Puhlman: Good way to cap off the day
Puhlman: Boxology--horizon carbody style
Puhlman: The 8:57 northbound has a high green at control point Ash
Puhlman: A soon-to-be classic scene
Puhlman: Coldmor
Puhlman: As luck would have it