Puhlman: As luck would have it
Puhlman: Ribera
Puhlman: Serifina, NM
Puhlman: Just after sun up
Puhlman: intermediates at 720
Puhlman: AR Favar in the Heart of His Territory
Puhlman: As my cousin says, "You're only awarded a purple heart every onehundred years."
Puhlman: Color Guard
Puhlman: Oh they had a few
Puhlman: Youpee and espee on display
Puhlman: EMD road power at J.R. Davis
Puhlman: Not lovely
Puhlman: Lovely
Puhlman: Oh Ms. Coroner but the location was so scenic
Puhlman: Ahh my eyes! Caltrans is the rightfull owner of these goblins of motive power.
Puhlman: 458 has landed
Puhlman: Fiftynine is just fine
Puhlman: A little R & R
Puhlman: Wave on
Puhlman: 529 pauses at America Plaza on her final lap for today
Puhlman: 2115 in push mode running wrong main
Puhlman: Here today in Chi-raq tomorrow--we'll give it three days
Puhlman: Hoby has seen much better days
Puhlman: Roseville Renumber
Puhlman: ;-)
Puhlman: Got fogged in while down in the flats. A solid painted consist would have been ideal, but alas I'll take it
Puhlman: I need to shoot this area more
Puhlman: Wide open and low-light processing systems in for a real test. And yes, there was a tripod at play. Play!