Barn Owl
Polar Bears at Dawn
David Swindler (ActionPhotoTours.com):
Meandering Canyon
The Gardener
Kingfisher on No Fishing sign !
Alberto Ghizzi Panizza:
Sacred moonlight creature in the magical forest
Alberto Ghizzi Panizza:
Let's see who's out here
Utah Astrophotography:
Andromeda Galaxy Fin
Nigel Hodson:
Harvest Mouse
Julien Ruiz:
sanglier-Sus scrofa
Natur-Makros Rene Warger:
Große Sägeschrecke (Saga pedo), Nymphe
Hubert Polacek:
May bug 3 - Melolontha in flight - upgrade :-)
Matt Williams Gallery:
Tanawha Trail Bridge
Maxime Légaré-Vézina:
Northern parula - Paruline à collier - Setophaga americana
monte stinnett:
Mr Bashful
Swaledale springtime
Anne Strickland:
Water Under the Bridge
Cast - Highly Commended in Landscape Photographer of the Year 2017
Mark McLeod Photography:
First Flight
Anthony Valen Photography:
Chouette épervière Surnia ulula - Northern Hawk-Owl
Natur-Makros Rene Warger:
Pferdekopfschrecke (Pseudoproscopia latirostris) 0.1
Hubert Polacek:
European firefly - Phausis = Lamprohiza splendidula male in flight and "Pollock's traces"
Eric Gofreed:
Rufous Motmot
Glatz Nature Photography:
Stalking Leopard ReEdit. "in explore"
Golden pines
Dangerous Sea
Melissa James Photography:
Eastern Meadowlark