0rchidhunter: Bulbophyllum speciosum
MrBlueSky*: The Orchid King
ACEZandEIGHTZ: Lysudamuloa Red Jewel ‘Sweet Baby’ (Lycamerlycaste Geyser Gold x Angulocaste Red Jade)
abiom.orchid3: Coelogyne pandurata
abiom.orchid3: Vanda Patchara Delight
J. Sebastian Moreno: Lepanthes tortilis
Doc Ken: Dendrophylax funalis
Lepanthes2010... 7,900,000 VIEWS: Porroglossum muscosum
Franklin Artiles L.: Cascada del Vino
J. Sebastian Moreno: Lepanthes limbata
peterb1504: Psychilis truncata
Luiz Filipe Varella: graffiti - Porto Alegre
Kezfoto: paper daisy
Roniyo888: Curvy Anthurium
Lepanthes2010... 7,900,000 VIEWS: Stelis species Ecuador
species orchids: Dockrillia linguiforme
Alzheimer1: Echinocereus
Pixietoe: Trisetella hoeijeri 2
emmily1955: Cultivated in the Glass
krajcece: Blc. Fuchs Orange Nugget
Doc Ken: L. anceps var. oxaquena
tresed47: On Feeder Watch
Newton56: Cattleya forbesii
W. P.: " Cymbidium hybrid "
W. P.: " Psychopsis papilio "
W. P.: " Psychopsis papilio "
W. P.: " Greenhouse season starts in january "
Matilda P: Where The Heart Is
monkdvm: Phal Ba Shi Canary #1
species orchids: Epidendrum fulgens 'Supurb' (formerly moseni)