mike-mojopin: Guardians
Flickr: HBMM
sonofphotography: the marina night portrait
brandonzcreations: Party For Two
Riccardo Maria Mantero: Havana - El floridita
stefankamert: A leaf on a wall (Leica M6)
www.higbyphotography.com: Serious dog with a faded filter
mike-mojopin: Goðafoss, Iceland
Flickr: Flickr Friday - Cache
KUO. SHIH YEN: 雪豹可愛的表情
Flickr: Flickr Heroes
sonofphotography: the five elements
stefankamert: Black plants
iurgi.: Egunsentia._3.
fiddleoak: crash landing
brandonzcreations: Fantasy Island
Bernd Kretzer: Rad - Wheel
stefankamert: Adore the wall
stefankamert: By the river
stefankamert: My blurry world
stefankamert: Zig Zag (Leica M6)
stefankamert: Run (Nikon FE2)
stefankamert: Walk on a white path (Nikon FE2)
maytag97: Daily Dose of Cute - explored
Naetrogen: Julia chilling on sofa