Laval Roy: 1.28095 Tangara à flancs roux (media) / Thlypopsis ornata media / Rufous-chested Tanager (media) / Tangara de Pecho Rufo
keithhull: Goodbye 2024
slow traffic right fist broken&1/10 blurred vision: DSC00133 - CHINA 中華民國 Zhōnghuá Mínguó - CHINE - KARAKUL - lake lac - information -in english -en français
slow traffic right fist broken&1/10 blurred vision: Incendie_de_l'Hôtel-Dieu_de_Paris_a
slow traffic right fist broken&1/10 blurred vision: P1140778a1 -- TRIBUTE HOMMAGE --Trauer Magdeburg Weihnachtsmark-In Gedenken an den 20. Dezember 2024 - Grief for the people killed and wounded at the Christmasmarket in Magdeburg - Pensées pour les morts et blessés du marché de Noël à Magdebourg
toscano libero: Luce del mattino
joshuarosenthal: Sunset at Burntcoat
joshuarosenthal: Low Tide at Hopewell
shlyachterm: Nature’s Slow Beauty: A Sloth in the Wild
shlyachterm: Curious Faces of the Jungle
michael-otto-foto: the sun is coming
Creative Nature & Wildlife: Winter Illuminations
munchflemming: Happy new week
munchflemming: Happy Sunday in the garden November 20
munchflemming: Autumn in Denmark
munchflemming: Kastrup airport
munchflemming: Morning light
monica_meeneghan: DSC05813 Crocus speciosus 'Speciosus' An autumn crocus
munchflemming: Happy Weekend
shaunphillips1368: "Green" House
munchflemming: HFF 2024:10:14
munchflemming: Happy Weekend 2024:11:07
munchflemming: Happy Sunday 2024:11:07
munchflemming: In the light 2024:10:15