Helgi G Sigurdsson: hgs_n8_072642
@hipydeus: Almost gone
_LABEL_3: Gustav-Adolf-Kirche
Fran AeRrE: Museu Blau
shinichiro*: Stachyurus praecox Siebold et Zucc.
edutango: 1959 BMW isetta [romiseta]
edutango: 911 porshe 1972
edutango: 1935 Delage D8 105 Coupe
Deborah Freeman: peek-a-boo....
shinichiro*: 2018 白梅
Thy Photography: Ferruginous Hawk
Deborah Freeman: hmmm.....is that a newcomer to our turf??.....watching in the hood~
Sandra Standbridge.: Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) in the snow.
beatriceverez: Chough-ed
Nature Box: Mangrove Tree Nymph
shinichiro*: ラナンキュラス
ingrid eulenfan: Kurt Masur
ingrid eulenfan: Kurt Masur
Irma-48: Fontaine de la Rotonde à Aix-en-Provence.
photosauraus rex: Young Hummer Wingersizing
Fran AeRrE: DSC_5810-Editar.jpg
zoomleeuwtje: A last salute to a beautiful wintertime
kenny barker: Night Lines