Carlos. B: Iphiclides podalirius
Glenn Bartley - Northern Flicker - 2024-03-27 - 016
Pixelda: The Shire - TMAX400 - XTOL 1+1
Pixelda: Road to Clouds - TMAX400 - XTOL 1+1
ni kon ninja: Green-veined White macro .03 Red-necked grebe
Wild Planet Photography: Share Your Shot
Joe Branco: Eastern Bluebird
neilhilton65: Lesser Yellowlegs
jmahiquesmeseguer: Liebre ártica (Lepus articus)
Marclinby: Drake Garganey.
seandarcy2: Dartford Warbler_Z9B1676-NR
Pete Rodgers: Green-underside Blue (Glaucopsyche alexis)
Pete Rodgers: Southern Festoon (Zerynthia polyxena)
HenryKoh: HKR57259
 BlezSP: Polyommatus icarus
 BlezSP: Polyommatus (Lysandra) bellargus
T L Sepkovic: Short-eared Owl
marylee.agnew: Little One Faith Above The Sea
billoddie3: Gannet, Morus Bassanus
HenryKoh: HKR56251
Andy Ingham: Grasshopper Warbler
Glenn Bartley - Black-crested Tit-Tyrant (Anairetes nigrocristatus)
Bradley Hamel: An American lady butterfly on a dead nettle plant.
anacm.silva: Cotovia-dos-bosques / Woodlark
lukaszW75: 390A9334
Josef...: twenty trees (Mongolia 2010 archive 003)