Sandra Herber: Arashiyama
Notkalvin: Behind the falls
austheia: fragile II
Jeff Sullivan ( Jackson Lake Driftwood at Sunset
Thomas Heaton: Halfway Gone
jopas2800: SPIDER
Notkalvin: Sideswiped
wiltsepix: Kelly Beach Fall Reflections
wiltsepix: Marl lake frosty sunrise
Jeff Sullivan ( Yosemite Fall Reflection at Night
Jeff Sullivan ( Another Season Comes to an End
Notkalvin: Halloweenishness at Glade Creek
Notkalvin: At the mill
wiltsepix: A October walk
Notkalvin: Milky way at Cumberland Falls
Matthias Rabiller: The myriad tribes of the dead... | Macro Monday 2016 October 31: Spooky and Frightful
wiltsepix: Fall light
wiltsepix: Fall fungi
wiltsepix: Early fall sunrise
wiltsepix: Marl lake fall foggy sunrise
Notkalvin: Tunnel - Cuyahoga
wiltsepix: Fall equinox sunset
Notkalvin: Trolling in Ohio