nodakbopa: SAGE THRASHER
Squirrel Girl cbk: Speed Goat
stitchersue: Pine Marten (Martes americana)
mrhikerman: MAR282019BCP 071
NWagner Photography: Montana Mink
Don Dunning: Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni)
Dennis Westover: Pronghorn on the run - Yellowstone National Park
Steve Santel: North American River Otter
Dennis Westover: Jumping fox - Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park
im2fast4u2c: American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)
Gary Helm: State Bird
William B Teuscher: 20181108-DSC_1600
Scott Joshua Dere: Family Feast
Scott Joshua Dere: Up Close and Personal A Chance Encounter 5291
GlacierNPS: Juvenile Garter Snake
Teton Trail Photography: Wasatch Royalty
rumerbob: Peregrine Falcon
Teton Trail Photography: Low Tide Hangout
Teton Trail Photography: No Floatation Device Required
Dennis Westover: This Black bear sow had a cub nearby but didn't seen upset by our presence. National Bison Reserve, MT
elliott845: Friendly Encounter (not really)
RGL Photography: Black Skimmer - Rynchops niger | 2018 - 5
Ethan A. Winning: Black Phoebe 0821
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Yellow headed blackbird at Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge
ChicagoBob46: Taking flight