``` Luciano Garcia: CARCARÁ (Polyborus plancus)
__Maestro__: 168.Sunset, Island Brac, Croatia
Caique Cesar: DSC00045
Caique Cesar: Belo Horizonte's Night View
Johnny Photofucker: Rio de Janeiro-RJ
António Alfarroba: Downtown Guimarães
johanbe: Incoming
Fernando Fabião: Architecture - DSC_8424.jpg
belincs: St James Church, Louth
DanyFBSG: Oldsmobile - 1964
VitorJK: Fresh August in Pombal - Portugal
•Adriano de Almeida•: Rio Claro - SP - Brasil
pedro.inox: Blow of wind
johanbe: Blue sky
hehaden: This is my house
VitorJK: Torre dos Clérigos - Porto & Best of Portugal
pedro.inox: Good weekend with peace and serenity
hehaden: Does my hair look OK?
thiagorodrigues1979: DSC_0160-01
johanbe: Seaside
David Marriott - Sydney: That red rock at Edith Falls || Wentworth Falls
David Wang Photo: 台東-宜灣卡片教堂
spire83: Giochi di luci