D~P~B: Bolts At Sunset
Omygodtom: New this year.
chikaoka1: ブンブン/花衝羽根空木Abelia x grandiflora-1
bgfotologue: 風とあじさい.
Κostas GR: The weed and the butterfly
Κostas GR: The 2 Lilies.
higgsp@ymail.com4: Kingfisher, Male-
tez-guitar: Roadstar
antoinebouyer: Le soleil se cache derrière ce nuage
bgfotologue: さいこ.
bgfotologue: 逆さ富士.
www.tokyoshot.com: Mallorca Fun 2148
Omygodtom: Summer Song's.
miyunico*: 仲間に入れなかったくだものたち。
adioslunitaadios: Dolsa 008 00
吳政彦: 2016/7/2 ready
higgsp@ymail.com4: Dartford Warbler, Male-
higgsp@ymail.com4: Grey Wagtail, Female-
stoplamek: Memorial rose / Rosa luciae
rusamesame: Grace
sianmatthews: Look, no hands!
L.S.P. tokyo: bloomed (^-^)
RU333333chang: 精算機どこ?
nobuflickr: レウィシア・コロンビアナ・ルピコーラ Lewisia columbiana var. rupicola
bestandlastphotographs: KADENA DE AMOR
Anavicor: Tarde de Junio
higgsp@ymail.com4: Dartford Warbler (Sylvia undata), Female-
amaikfully2003: 初夏の筥崎宮