DamonFrost Resident [ blaink ]: Baby it's cold outside
-Desyre-: Desyre
-Desyre-: Eyes....Magic too :-)
janna blackwood: Circle of life
Sora Firehawk: .Gate of Hell.
J M ( Freakshow zsun): how real it all can be
Skippy Beresford: Learning is the discovery that something is possible.
Skippy Beresford: Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.
Sora Firehawk: .Surgeon of Death.
williamswolf: The death of the beloved
williamswolf: "El Toro de las Pampas"
Photo Alan: Wildflower
BrunoBueno ♡Blogger Manager: 🔥A nice ride and a good wine.Perfect combination !!
BrunoBueno ♡Blogger Manager: 🔥Shall we do laundry?
Dusty Pedroia: Wash Over Me
Violeta Valentine: Moonbathing
{{Timaaj}}: It hurts deeper when you never get to say goodbye