Alania Ravenwood: worshipping allowed
Marita de Frontval: Night ride
Marita de Frontval: Nothing to say
shezajewell: 41221072770_327905e394_o
shezajewell: Next Stop the Iron Throne
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shezajewell: 42633644424_e3de4f6503_o
shezajewell: 44649179964_fd86d8e7bc_o
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shezajewell: 45120318654_6186d001f2_o
shezajewell: 45258780222_420c5c07e3_o
shezajewell: Arwen & Bow_011
shezajewell: Arwen & Bow_012
shezajewell: Arwen Blk Jkt Red Booties_001
shezajewell: Arwen & Bow_006
shezajewell: Arwen & Bow_001
shezajewell: Arwen & Bow_009
Alania Ravenwood: Just waiting
Alania Ravenwood: Waiting for Mr Right
Alania Ravenwood: you should be here ...
Alania Ravenwood: dinner is ready .... and served