Marita de Frontval: Say no to animal abuse, they are just children in a different body.
Marita de Frontval: My new jet as Lieutenant of the French Air Patrol
Marita de Frontval: My promotion to Lieutenant with my Instructor and wife Magalie
Marita de Frontval: Stormy day
Marita de Frontval: patch_rideouts_40
Marita de Frontval: patch_rideouts_30 with MC Celts
Marita de Frontval: ROCK AND ROLL
Marita de Frontval: TRAINING ZABU
Marita de Frontval: Second Lieutenant Marita and her training aircraft
Marita de Frontval: Second Lieutenant Marita and her training aircraft 1
Marita de Frontval: CeltsMCAnniversary
Marita de Frontval: Patch_14ans_TheCeltsMC
Marita de Frontval: patch_rideouts_20 20 rides with MC Celts
Marita de Frontval: ♥♥LOVE IN VENICE♥♥
Marita de Frontval: ♥♥Face to face♥♥
Marita de Frontval: ♥♥Dreaming with Magalie♥♥
Marita de Frontval: Elle a construit un paradis pour moi♥♥
Marita de Frontval: 04/09/2024 Paris 1900 ___ Les Champs Elysees, Les Champs Elysee
Marita de Frontval: L'AMOUR DE MA VIE
Marita de Frontval: 04/02/2013 Snapshot _ Barcelona Pavilion (Tropical version), Soana Island
Marita de Frontval: 2a754a70ff8482fc2be5c478584704e5
Marita de Frontval: mon rezz party 20-08-24
Marita de Frontval: SIMPLY LOVE
Marita de Frontval: MaritaRezzday_26072024