selin1968: DSC_1341
@Αννα@mostly off: This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
n20vlasakid: 2019-12-16_09-30-25
n20vlasakid: 2019-12-16_09-31-11
n20vlasakid: Leukada, Greece 2018
n20vlasakid: Amsterdam, Netherland // January 2019
Fotis Mandalis: Mist...ify
Fotis Mandalis: Power Run
Fotis Mandalis: Roadtrip
Fotis Mandalis: Cloud Generator Wandering mind
ignaciovlm: early 21th century
ignaciovlm: strange days, most peculiar mama