Rayladur: Paruline à gorge grise - Connecticut Warbler
Tomingramphotography.com: Double Arch night sky
Bettina Arrigoni: Red-bordered Butterfly | Greenhouse Trail | Portal | AZ|2018-09-03|10-00-12
closebirdencounters: Prairie Warbler - 2019 IA Warbler Slam!
Nicolas Forestell: Red-Backed Junco on the West Fork Trail
Nicolas Forestell: Blue Snow Goose at Colusa National Wildlife Refuge
Nicolas Forestell: Orchard Oriole in the Fort Mason Community Garden
Nicolas Forestell: Black-Capped Chickadee at Auntie Patricia’s House
Joseph Zeno: Vesper Sparrow - Pooecetes gramineus
Joseph Zeno: Peregrines Eating an American Coot
Joseph Zeno: Long-eared Owl
Joseph Zeno: Ruddy Ground Dove
Mark Schulist: Red-breasted Merganser
Digital Plume Hunter: Happy and Rosy 2019!
Greg Lavaty Photography: Vermilion Flycatcher
Bob Gunderson: Nuttall's Woodpecker
johnking21205california: Buff-bellied Hummingbird (Yucatan)
johnking21205california: Little Blue Heron
Always a birder!: IMG_6985
Ned Harris: _31A5439 Crested Caracara
Greg Lavaty Photography: Eastern Bluebird
Danielirons02: Blue headed Vireo
Through Carol's Lens: _80I5391.jpg
Brendan Galvin: Great Black Hawk
Digital Plume Hunter: Blue-winged Warbler
rdelonga: _RDX2287.jpg
Hockey.Lover: Gulls in a Row
chief7100: Hooded Merganser AX5I3807
SharifUddin59: Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos)
SASPhotography67: Cold with a chance of Snow(y)...