bazazga: Lucilia sp
tessab101: Stopping for a Rest - HFDF!
Sylvester K: Paragus sp (Syrphidae)
suekelly52: Droning on
tessab101: Posterior View - HBBBT!
suekelly52: Cosmos Visitor
Sylvester K: Summer abundance
DocJ96: A fly for Friday
Sylvester K: Empis sp dance fly (Empididae)
suekelly52: Fly on a Flower
tessab101: Bristle Fly on Oxalis - HFDF!
DocJ96: Ephydridae: Ochthera sp. from Thailand
Mimi Serada: Bathroom Moth Fly Clogmia albipunctata
Mimi Serada: Raibspārnods Sylvicola sp.
austindca: fly in the garden
DocJ96: Flower wasp (female)
suekelly52: The Harvester
suekelly52: Greenbottom fly
tessab101: Shiny Traveller! - HBBBT!
Sylvester K: Patchwork leafcutter bee (Megachile centencularis), Megachilidae
austindca: hoverfly on gaura flower
Mimi Serada: Ziedmuša Sphaerophoria scripta
Mimi Serada: Ziedmuša Helophilus pendulus
Julie in Nature: Honey Bee on Globemallow
Sylvester K: Thereva sp (Therevidae)
tessab101: A Pretty Perch - HFDF!
Sylvester K: Yellow-spotted dark bee (Stelis signata), Megachilidae
tessab101: Eremophila Bee-Hind - HBBBT!
Julie in Nature: Flower Fly on Shrubby Boneset
Sylvester K: Superb ant-hill hoverfly (Xanthogramma pedissequum), Syrphidae