ralfkai41: Männliche Stockente - male mallard duck
ralfkai41: Honigbiene im Krokus- honeybee in a crocus
ralfkai41: Schnitt durch eine Kiwi - cut through a kiwi fruit
Jim Restall: 78/366 "I'm almost two; I've got responsibilities."
Jim Restall: 78B/366 Intense Barbie playing.
lauravigneau: Nauset light at lunchtime today!. Eastham, MA.
wgulker: 2016 Groves Water Polo
geekknot: Purple Azalea
acyee: Spreading the love. #78/366
paultmckee: 078-366 Baring Mountain
TiffK: 78A/366
Abbey Swan: 73/365
Abbey Swan: 74/365 Sunrise - Joshua Tree
MichaelSMorris: 03072016_0014
Garen M.: 67/366
robertdebock: Playing at the table
Jim Restall: 64/366 Icicles..
Jim Restall: 67/366 A little place in the sun carved out of the snow.
johnstewartnz: 20160121_3350_7D2-100 Bumble Bee on Cone Flower (021/366)
MichaelSMorris: 01242016_0018
Garen M.: 24/366
chris.roberts196577: 20140101-P1010008
Mary Wardell: 2016-01-15 All I need is a ghost. . .
paultmckee: 015-366 Everett Public Library Espresso
qskaosiem / Marcin: 10 Bristol bridge Apparently lovers like to decorate it with padlocks as a symbol of their love
Jim Restall: 14/366 I really think I need to upgrade my gear. It's getting harder and harder to find film. ;-)