Jim Restall: When the lake level went up and submerged our dock, this duck took advantage of a convenient resting spot.
Jim Restall: So far she has an appetite for dandelions. If that changes to veggies, we can't be friends anymore.
Jim Restall: The calm after the storm.
Jim Restall: "This is my good side."
Jim Restall: Post-ride at Whitewater GC, May 15.
Jim Restall: Mural at Lakehead University
Jim Restall: Only the tiniest need apply...
Jim Restall: Pointing out points of interest.
Jim Restall: I gave him a wooden box with a hinged lid to put his toys in. Then he carried it everywhere. Tugs at my heart.
Jim Restall: Enjoying the warmth of the sun.
Jim Restall: My plan was to clean out and organize the sheds. Now, I'm considering opening an axe museum.
Jim Restall: Juxtaposition challenge: this is new/old.
Jim Restall: My plan was to clean out and organize the sheds. Now, I'm considering opening an axe museum.
Jim Restall: Just another day at the lake...
Jim Restall: Paused during a hike to enjoy the contrast in the trees with the big guy in the background.
Jim Restall: Jakob with a garter snake while his brother explores the aquatic world in the background.
Jim Restall: Making waves.
Jim Restall: Aquaman
Jim Restall: Meanwhile, the boys enjoy my knee scooter.
Jim Restall: Here we go again.
Jim Restall: Misty morning on Mount McRae.
Jim Restall: Misty morning on Mount McRae.
Jim Restall: Misty morning on Mount McRae.
Jim Restall: The Nor'westers.
Jim Restall: When your favourite lake is surrounded by high cliffs, you climb a cliff to get reception.
Jim Restall: Napping, camouflaged senior canine.
Jim Restall: Group hike, April 24
Jim Restall: Group hike, April 24
Jim Restall: The brothers start a new soccer season.
Jim Restall: Stuffies fear the mention of his name.