jimmyenfru: Mésange bleue - Cyanistes caeruleus - Eurasian Blue Tit
jasonhudson2: The Copse
DobingDesign: The Afterlife
places_lost: Bus In The Rain
rondoudou87: Macro Mondays Connection
jaytee27: Harlequin Ladybird - Harmonia axyridis. (Love connection)
Viriki22: Connection to the past
andypf01: Connection is communication in the digital age.
holzer_r: La tour Eiffel
holzer_r: Ask not for whom the bell tolls
Fire Fighter's Wife: ~I write to the beat and let life play the guitar strings.
Astrid Sanders: Abstract Macro
andypf01: Whats happening to my numbers?
andypf01: Crouton
cuppyuppycake: Macro Mondays - High Key
FotoCorn: Strawberry Sun
quietpurplehaze07: 'tis the season for fungi
jase411: Pasta
granmadunn: High Key
andypf01: Kissing frogs
andypf01: Chess in the candlelight.
Lee Glasby: Music by Candlelight
Lee Glasby: Vitamin C
Eva Hartley: Pure Detoxifying Water (IMG_7459)
katerha: Drink more water
andypf01: Rustic olives
Gatis Gribusts: Zirnekļa tīkls
Todd Danger Farr: Fog layers ignite in Shanghigh