kunstschieter: The beer tastes good!
kunstschieter: The beer tasters
kunstschieter: Ukelele, ... there's music in the air
kunstschieter: The orchid photographer
kunstschieter: Friday fries day
kunstschieter: Easter holiday at the beach
kunstschieter: Look what I found!
kunstschieter: Spring is coming
kunstschieter: Rain...rain...rain... make the best of it.
kunstschieter: The musicians
kunstschieter: Raindrops keep falling on your head
kunstschieter: Angry bird
kunstschieter: Selfie on the beach
kunstschieter: Donkey ride
kunstschieter: Back to the sea
kunstschieter: Guus and the escaped shrimps enjoy cheese cake.
kunstschieter: Oh dear...
kunstschieter: Let's celebrate our reunion with delicious Zeeland shrimps.
kunstschieter: Hey, my friend... this way!!!
kunstschieter: An English friend of Guus was shipwrecked during the crossing due to a storm.
kunstschieter: Pizza-time
kunstschieter: Walking on the beach during storm Isha
kunstschieter: Down at full speed !