nandoseo: Gecónido
michael_hamburg69: Mingle-mangle // blue circle
Adnan Güler: Our plateaus..
richardgregory48: Sandringham Estate Norfolk
nelson_tamayo59: Puerto de la Cruz Tenerife
In Memoriam: zoomclic: Surrounded....
pentaxamania: Sunset
BN Singh: Least Tern
Dah Professor: BN Workin' the Six
BN Singh: Magnolia Warbler
BN Singh: Gray Catbird
BN Singh: Yellow-throated Vireo
BN Singh: Blue Grosbeak
PhillymanPete: Dragon on the Green
PhillymanPete: Eastern Box Turtle
BN Singh: Piping Plover
BN Singh: Red Phalarope
J Gilbert: Ovipositing Efferia sp. Robberfly
MattSullivan: Smooth Green- Opheodrys vernalis
BN Singh: Black Skimmer
BN Singh: Barn Swallow
BN Singh: Barred Owl
BN Singh: Clapper Rail
Arkuswork: tytou
jokin1960: Macaon.
Klaus Lechtenböhmer: Ziesel at work