European Hornet - Vespa crabro
The storm is over
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Über den Dächern von Salzburg - Above the roofs of Salzburg
Sonnenaufgang in Schondorf
Waiting for sunrise
Mathias Leon Fischer:
Mount Etna Road
Une année de plus en moins
Chapel in the Mist
Rui Baptista Photography:
Time Stopped
barry crosthwaite:
Descending Dragon
Ron Scubadiver's Wild Life:
Down to the Sea
Anthony Mark Images:
Blizzard on Kirkfield Road
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views):
Cherry Blossoms
Yasu Torigoe:
Seven bridges are perfectly aligned! 599a
Soulis: Remembering the Last Autumn
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
This is how my day ended. The very last photo I took for July 2nd.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Just a nasty day. Woke to 5 inches of snow, colder than heck and a covering of glaze ice under this.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Buried under snow, and more on the way. They are predicting 5 clippers coming out of the Gulf of Alaska. Crossing lower Canada into the great lakes and the northeast.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
After 3 days of humidity and rain, it cleared toward evening. Tempretures also took a nose dive from the previous 3 days
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Spectacular Sunset from the 28th of this month. Change is taking place, the heat has been replaced by cooler weather.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Coming back from Fallen Timbers Mall on west river road. We have had a rare and very intense sunset. This is the actual sunset all I did was crop a little.It looked like the sky had turned to a field of molten lava.