Scott_Williams_Photo: coombe abbey evening
Norbert Lefevre: " casser la graine " Sittelle torchepot ( Sitta europaea ) Focus Distance - 5.01 m
Norbert Lefevre: Martin pêcheur d'Europe femelle ( Alcedo atthis )
Gian Paolo Chiesi: Camogli sunset
Anton Calpagiu: _NDF2598
Anton Calpagiu: Manarola , Cinque Terre at sunrise ...
Cathie Clemot: La surprise ...
H.P.S.Photography: Viki & Attila
Mr B Eyes open: Note to self once again. Health is both physical & mental health. One isn’t without the other. Sit with the mental health for the marbles & get active for the physical as your body is built to move. Yoga, Jogging, Cycling & Tia Chi is my recipe for me
ismaëlfigureau: _DSC4747
ismaëlfigureau: DSC02651
Cathie Clemot: La starlette du jardin ...
Andrea Bovolo: The red fox
Laurent Grumbach: Jrmy - Motion Sculpture
Cathie Clemot: Vol stationnaire !
Cathie Clemot: Un regard Hypnotique !
Cathie Clemot: En chasse
pacophotographie1: IMG_8195-2 copie
pacophotographie1: IMG_0223-2
pacophotographie1: IMG_0207-2
GilBarib: Coupe Canada no1, 2015 #1
LoboPix: Got it!!
Steve Barowik: Low angle shot at Pontefract
Cathie Clemot: Mésange bleue Cyanistes caeruleus - Eurasian Blue Tit