Gladys Klip: Holenuil / Burrowing owl / Chêveche de Terriers
Matthieu Berroneau: Cape Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus capense
Matthieu Berroneau: African Bush Viper
Gertj123: Black Woodpecker
Jean-François Hic: Northern Hawk Owl - Surnia ulula
Jean-François Hic: Northern Hawk Owl - Surnia ulula
Jean-François Hic: Northern Hawk Owl - Surnia ulula
Arnaud LAUGIER: Regard de braise... 🔥
Arnaud LAUGIER: Vautour fauve
Through The Big Lens: Short eared owl
Marie-Lise Photographie: Mésange bicolore
Guy Lichter Photography - 10M views Thank you: Red Fox...#141 (taking care of business...)
Gertj123: Hawfinch
nick.linda: Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scotica)
antonsrkn: Lordling of the Black Lagoon
pas.sionphoto: Camoscio (F) - Chamois (F)
pas.sionphoto: Camoscio - Chamois
charlescpan: The red necked phalarope that almost got away
Clo_09: Vipère aspic_EM11138
Clo_09: Vipère aspic_EM11187
meslagenehemie: Lathraea squamaria / Clandestine écailleuse
meslagenehemie: Allosorus acrosticus / Cheilanthès acrostic
meslagenehemie: Cynoglossum creticum / Cynoglosse de Crête
Julien Ruiz: Huppe fasciée Upupa epops - Eurasian Hoopoe
meslagenehemie: Arctothèque souci / Arctotheca calendula
meslagenehemie: Tractema umbellata / Scille en ombelle
cogs2011: Hare