vampire-carmen: Galeries Lavafayette
vampire-carmen: Rotwangenhornrabe (Bucorvus leadbeateri) - Red-cheeked Hornbill
vampire-carmen: Schlafender Löwe - Sleeping Lion
Cookie ...: time will erase it all, leaving nothing behind. still, traces of you will linger. forever.
Cookie ...: of plastic hearts, lately
wanderview: Duck a l'Orange.
wanderview: Autumn visit to a peaceful pond.
sjs61: Waterfowl
nick.linda: Common Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)
Yann OG: Nice
Jesse_in_CT: Hudsonian Godwit
Inky-NL: Folded Abstract
Jesse_in_CT: Red-shouldered Hawk
Ann and Chris: Kingfisher - Poetry in motion
Gabriel FW Koch: Was But Nevermore
sjs61: Dark Bits
Cookie ...: "I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples and bastards and broken things." Tyrion Lannister
nick.linda: Dunlin (Calidris alpina)
esserre92: IMG_0948
esserre92: IMG_E0862
esserre92: San Ferdinando
esserre92: Molo Gioia Tauro
esserre92: DSCF2171
esserre92: IMG_2215
esserre92: IMG_1376
esserre92: IMG_0864
esserre92: IMG_0878
esserre92: IMG_0897
esserre92: IMG_0906