view16: IMG_9064
view16: In a daring attempt Jyothiraje climbing the Fort of Chitradurga
view16: Hello ...
view16: If you can fly the past and future you know the unlimited idea of freedom
view16: "Perunthenaruvi" Western Ghats near Sabarimala
view16: ... it is not easy to say what is living and what is not ... Nehru
view16: Let me hold you as long as I can.....
view16: Face to face
view16: O' Light, thou art nourishes everything, beautifies everything !
view16: Save water
view16: "If but once you should raise your loving eyes to my face it would make my life sweet beyond death" Tagore
view16: Let the New year bring Happiness to all
view16: Farewell to the last day of the last month of 2022
view16: Let us tell the tale of love....
view16: Deepavali.... Festival of lights