sidney.vandykeries: Day 72. Thankful for afternoons laying in the sun, and Spring Break finally.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 73. Thankful for lots and lots of purple hair dye.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 78. "Grateful" for Grateful Bread with the momma.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 81. Thankful for beautiful views like this that make me get out and be active.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 82. Thankful for trips to see long distance friends. This picture perfectly captured a love fest between me and Sar.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 85. Thankful for catching up with Liz and sitting in the sun... Even if we didn't get any homework done.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 53. Thankful for days when I can pamper myself.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 47. Thankful for chances to see my sister at her science fair. She rocked it.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 43. Thankful for the chance to get to drive past this beautiful architecture on the way from Omaha back to Lincoln.
ESPRIT CONFUS: creating a dream
sidney.vandykeries: Day 38. Thankful for neon themed madness that results from sorority functions.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 39. Thankful for family gatherings. This photo was taken a while back, but today my aunt and uncle came into town for a surprise visit, and the whole crew gathered again just like in the old days.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 37. Thankful for fun dates, with dancing and good vibes all around.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 35. Thankful for the 90s and their swag style.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 30. Thankful for weird nights and starting a band (???)
sidney.vandykeries: Day 31. Thankful for education. Even though some days are harder than others, I'm so grateful that I've continued in my pursuit of a degree and learning.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 32. Thankful for snow FINALLY, after a winter that felt like spring.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 28. Thankful for stumbling across this sweet graffiti.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 27. Thankful for people who enjoy adventuring just as much as I do.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 24. Thankful for fun weekends out with new friends.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 22. Thankful for concerts. I love going to see live music, and last night was awesome seeing Cold War Kids and Elliot Moss.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 21. Thankful for opportunities like today, where I can come together with people who have a similar goal as me and rally for that. It was an awesome time at the marriage equality rally at the Nebraska Capitol!
sidney.vandykeries: Day 14. Thankful for the chance to see new films. I saw A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night at the Ross, an Iranian vampire film, and was pleasantly surprised and entertained by it!
sidney.vandykeries: Day 12. Thankful for relaxing coffee shop trips after a frigid and long first day of classes.
Louis O'Halloran: Atardecer Rincon, y la isla de Desecheo, Rincon Sunset, Puerto Rico
pogmomadra: Peer At The Benches
sidney.vandykeries: Day 11. Thankful for new opportunities. Today I moved into the sorority's house at my new school. Although the future is unclear, I am so happy to be able to take risks and go out of my comfort zone.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 9. Thankful for longtime friends. Emma and I have been friends since elementary school, and last night she left to go back to school. Long distance friendships are hard, but when they work it's awesome.
sidney.vandykeries: Day 10. Thankful for talented friends who share their art.