dinneenlizzie: day 82. thankful for study dates with Sid.
dinneenlizzie: day 81. once in a while I make a hugely impulsive decision. this was one of them, but I'm thankful I did.
dinneenlizzie: day 80. I really like ice cream. and I'm thankful for it.
dinneenlizzie: day 79. very thankful to be able to see Bob Seger live with my family!
dinneenlizzie: day 78. thankful for my friends of all different shapes and sizes.
dinneenlizzie: day 77. im thankful for random explorations with fun friends.
dinneenlizzie: day 76. thankful for Claire and the constant laughter she brings to my life.
dinneenlizzie: day 75. im beyond thankful to have such positive, brave, and respectful male role models in my life.
dinneenlizzie: day 74. thankful for these crazy girls and our ability to have fun with whatever we are doing.
dinneenlizzie: day 73. thankful for strong, independent women in my life.
dinneenlizzie: day 72. thankful for my impulsive decision to color my hair purple.
dinneenlizzie: day 71. today im thankful for my ability to look at things from different perspectives.
dinneenlizzie: day 70. beyond thankful for my experiences with the i2 choir. I love these kids more than anything.
dinneenlizzie: day 69. thankful for birthday celebrations with beautiful friends. happy birthday Natalie you are so special to me!
dinneenlizzie: day 68. Kyle visited us over our spring break! im thankful I was able to see him before he went back to Iowa.
dinneenlizzie: day 67. thankful that I was able to reunite with these two on their Easter/spring breaks.
dinneenlizzie: day 66. thankful for my super talented gymnast brother Luke and that we get to watch him do what he loves at his meets.
dinneenlizzie: day 65. thankful for sunny days with Sid.
dinneenlizzie: day 64. thankful for these crazy fun nights with the BRS friends plus more.
dinneenlizzie: day 63. thankful for my dad. the greatest man and role models in my life. he's taught me everything I know. happy birthday daddy!!
dinneenlizzie: day 62. thankful for family birthdays and Kathy's wonderful cakes.
dinneenlizzie: day 61. WE DID IT! The state of Nebraska is finally legalizing gay marriage. so so thankful for this step in the right direction towards equality.
dinneenlizzie: day 60. thankful for Old Chicago trips after rehearsal with my BRS crew.
dinneenlizzie: day 59. so incredibly thankful for the Boots & Cats recording session we had today. can't wait for our CD!
dinneenlizzie: day 58. thankful for my camera and ability to take pictures with friends.
dinneenlizzie: day 57. today Abby sent me this photo, reminding me of how long we've been friends, and all the amazing memories we have together. I'm thankful for reminiscing and reconnecting with those I haven't seen but love dearly.
dinneenlizzie: day 56. thankful for the beautiful 75 degree weather and explorations with friends.
dinneenlizzie: day 55. thankful for beautiful views of the Capitol.
dinneenlizzie: day 54. so thankful for nights spent with Jordan. whether we are in our rooms taking pictures or going out, we are always having fun.
dinneenlizzie: day 53. thankful for rehearsals with boots & cats. these girls never fail to put a smile on my face and help me appreciate our ability to make music.