dinneenlizzie: it's a new year! today I am thankful for celebrations with best friends. im so thankful for all my friends, but today im feeling lucky to have so many people in my life that I've celebrated many, many New Years with. here's to 2015!
dinneenlizzie: day 2. today im thankful for good books, yummy tea, cute coffeehouses, and great company.
dinneenlizzie: day 3. im thankful for warm places to hangout on snowy nights. the weather outside was frightful, but with bananagrams and Sid, the cold didn't bother me anyway.
dinneenlizzie: day 4. happy birthday Yuki! i am so incredibly thankful for the times we have had over the past 7+ years. ive learned so much from you, and i hope you've learned something from me. i already can't wait for the next time we see each other!
dinneenlizzie: day 5. thankful for the ability to make delicious food with friends.
dinneenlizzie: day 6. thankful for time at home with family.
dinneenlizzie: day 7. the past couple weeks, ive been having trouble getting my car to start because of the cold weather. those experiences have reminded me to be thankful that i even have a car and am able to get around by myself.
dinneenlizzie: day 8. thankful for the opportunity to get an education in subjects i am passionate about.
dinneenlizzie: day 9. today im thankful for all forms of art and the tremendous impact they have had on my life.
dinneenlizzie: day 10. several of my closest friends are going back to school today. im thankful I got to spend time with them catching up while they were home. im blessed with wonderful friends, old and new.
dinneenlizzie: day 11. thankful for the wonderful, relaxing winter break. the weather reached record lows, but on Christmas Day we were able to see this sunset. pretty cool.
dinneenlizzie: day 12. my lil' Sid transferred to unl! im so excited and thankful to have her just down the street from me instead of hundreds of miles away.
dinneenlizzie: day 13. thankful for our dysfunctional yet cozy room that Claire and I share.
dinneenlizzie: day 14. thankful for my desk, as strange as that sounds. having my own organized space to study and do homework is so important to me.
dinneenlizzie: day 15. im thankful for naps. I really am.
dinneenlizzie: day 16. thankful for opportunities to be onstage, one of the only places I feel completely comfortable.
dinneenlizzie: day 17. thankful for birthday celebrations with family.
dinneenlizzie: day 18. so very thankful for sunny days in the middle of winter.
dinneenlizzie: day 19. ive officially experienced my first show choir competition. although it was a long and tiring day, I loved spending time with friends while watching talented, passionate young people perform. thankful for new experiences.
dinneenlizzie: day 20. im thankful for outings with friends. even though it's a school night and we all have things to do, it's important to make time for relaxation and good conversation.
dinneenlizzie: day 21. today I went to a press conference and support rally for new pieces of legislation that are being started regarding LGBT rights in Nebraska. im so thankful for the progress we are making and that I can be apart of this influential movement.
dinneenlizzie: day 22. thankful for road trips and great concerts (the Cold War Kids) with even better friends.
dinneenlizzie: day 23. thankful for beautiful things to see in Lincoln, including the state capitol.
dinneenlizzie: day 24. thankful for live music. there's nothing like it.
dinneenlizzie: day 25. thankful for being able to come home and see my puppy.
dinneenlizzie: day 26. so thankful that I can cruise with the windows down today.
dinneenlizzie: day 27. thankful for a much needed relaxing day full of beautiful weather and wonderful friends.
dinneenlizzie: day 28. thankful for my ability to adventure and discover new and exciting things and places.
dinneenlizzie: day 29. super super thankful for my camera and for friends who love to take pictures with me.
dinneenlizzie: day 30. thankful for worship nights at destinations coffee house. the building gets so full that there's hardly room to stand, but no one minds. we are all there for the same reason, to sing together and worship God.