Dave Beaudette: Vermilion Flycatcher, Pyrocephalus rubinus
Merrillie: Winter seascape views over the beach with high and medium cloud cover
Irtiza Bukhari: Face-to-face with nature's beauty.
vincenzo_russo3: Sicilian Landscape 3: Twilight with Aeolian Islands and paddles of prickly pear
Geoff Threadgill: Loch Long ( Explored 15/02/2024 )
jmahiquesmeseguer: Dusky Broadbill (Eurilaimo sombrio)
Jeanda.60: Butor étoilé_29
belas62: Athene noctua, Κουκουβάγια, Little Owl
kkr_images: Broad-billed Hummingbird hovers
Roberto G.R.: Abejarucos-6882
Paul McGoveran: Northern Gannet(J) 5584
akoboy: 3U0A9827
John David Hutchison: Anna,s-Hummingbird-(-Male-)
bubble_boy: Clark's Grebes rushing
vodophoto's images: Striated Heron
akoboy: 3U0A9982
baechli58: Brahmini Kite
baechli58: White-bellied Seaeagle
AstonJ: Sitting pretty in pink
breath3light: alpine accentor
Luiz Lapa: Toutinegra-dos-valados, macho, Sardinian Warbler, male
albert.herbigneaux1: Feu d'artifice ,Fireworks
Stephen B53: Kingfisher
elipson1: Yellow-headed Caracara
patricia.hoedts: Mosquiter comu - Mosquitero comun - Common chiffchaff - Pouillot véloce - Phylloscopus collybita
Vince_Adam Photography: Male Temminck's Sunbird (Aethopyga temminckii)
Carlos. B: Greta oto