elektratig: Let There Be Light.jpg
elektratig: Elegy for a Dead Fox.jpg
LupaImages: Is This Clean???
Lens and Shutter: The roses and the trees.
elektratig: Sunset Over Lake Swartswood
Portraying Life, LLC: Opportunity Calls
angelakanner: One...
koen_jacobs: the waiting game
nilacop: Tree Celebration
Adam Swaine: Cottage Row..
LupaImages: Handsome
elinelmsted: Blishøne med unge
peterwaller: Peaceful Brook
aj 74: Salvia after the rain
aj 74: Feverfew medicinal herb
Lens and Shutter: A lone tree in Adriatic sea.
Klas-Goran Photo: The light in the flower
nilacop: Sunrise Today
pstenzel71: Speedwell
aj 74: Aquilegia
PascalCDP: Le Lison.
nilacop: Where's the Pub ?
angelakanner: Skipper...