Bob Hawley: MacClelland's Coral Snake 3
Misanthrope_: Cedar Waxwing
Misanthrope_: Couch's Kingbird
Misanthrope_: White-eyed Vireo
Misanthrope_: Green Jay
Don Delaney: Barred Owl (Strix varia)
Misanthrope_: Green Jay
Misanthrope_: Black-crested Titmouse
bob in swamp: Cushion Sea Star - Oreaster reticulatus
Ned Harris: _31A2622 Ferruginous Hawk
mesquakie8: Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca)
natalija2006: Pahljačarka
deserttoad: Disappearing Act -- Texas Horned Lizard (Phrynosomo cornutum); Santa Fe National Forest, NM, Thompson Ridge [Lou Feltz]
azorange: Indigo Bunting
Billy & Andy: Eric and Billy about to enjoy an al fresco lunch
lois manowitz: IMG_2688 Snow and White-fronted Geese
lois manowitz: IMG_2059 Greater White-fronted Goose and Snow Goose
natalija2006: Opazovanje
margarethe brummermann: Automeris cecrops pamina
azorange: Pacific Loon Long-eared Owl Roseate Spoonbill Flock
Paul Hueber: Roseate Spoonbill - Platalea ajaja
margarethe brummermann: Southwestern Lady Beetles
AZBirdbrain: Groove-billed Ani
AZBirdbrain: Groove-billed Ani
azorange: Groove-billed Ani
azorange: Groove-billed Ani
azorange: Groove-billed Ani