Vivienne McMaster: 12764878_1062122547143866_9122718786133317045_o
heathertarman: #beyourownbeloved #belovedbeginnings day 9 I like to unwind and shake it off with a little dancing! This is from one of my classes with Kindergarteners today! We were literally shaking it with some YMCA action!
susie.rennie: Taking care of Tigger reminds me to take care of myself - plus she is a lot of fun and is always happy to play. She recently reached the grand old age of 18 - but as you can see she is showing no signs of slowing down.
heathertarman: #beyourownbeloved #belovedbeginnings Day 8 #gratitude #yoga
cindypurple: Day 6: movement Jump!
cindypurple: Day 7: Playful
cindypurple: Day 8: Grateful for my openness
susie.rennie: Had fun with this one.......!
Vivienne McMaster: Inviting movement & playfulness into the photo today for #belovedbeginnings
heathertarman: #beyourownbeloved #belovedbeginnings day 5 let the #light in.
susie.rennie: Searching for the light!! It has been a grey and drizzly day here so finding the light has been a bit of a challenge - did manage to catch a bit of light and shadow on my face in this shot though.
Domino UK: Day1 in the sun. Just before chemo 3.
heathertarman: #beyourownbeloved #belovedbeginnings Day 4 #reflection
Vivienne McMaster: A reflection shot today for #belovedbeginnings ...I love how often the layers of reflective photos make it feel like a #doubleexposure #beyourownbeloved
cindypurple: Day 3: From where I stand
SabyneA: In the Garden
heathertarman: #beyourownbeloved #belovedbeginnings Day 2 #hands holding and guiding my youngest.