krzygrsshppr: Load-4
krzygrsshppr: Day 3 - These eyes have seen a lot of things, cried a lot of tears and witnessed miracles.
krzygrsshppr: Day 2 - I nurture myself by getting plenty of rest. I know that I don't focus well when tired.
krzygrsshppr: Day 1 - I am ready to step into November. After a busy day of errands and cleaning I slip into my Nike slip ons and prepare for the rest of my day to slow down.
krzygrsshppr: Day 19: Reteaching Ourselves our Loveliness. Love this shot of myself. Very simple.
krzygrsshppr: Day 17. Light and self-portrait. I liked how the light was on half of my face. It has been rainy here so I tried to get creative in doors.
krzygrsshppr: Day 16 claiming my space. I am here, I am me and I am beautiful.
krzygrsshppr: Day 13: Movement and Stillness. I just love the sound of the moving water in my pond. I love to sit by the pond on quiet days.
krzygrsshppr: Day 12: Getting Creative with Mirror Self-Portraits. Am I seeing double?? Had fun with this.
krzygrsshppr: Day 15: A Day of Rest. Getting ready for bed after a bit of a trying day. Sometimes it feels great to just be.
krzygrsshppr: Day 14: Being Open to (Self) Love. Everyday I take another step towards self love!! This class is awesome!!
krzygrsshppr: Day 10 - My shadow. Not sure why I struggled with this shot. Outside with my doggies before bedtime. Love the quiet!!
krzygrsshppr: Day 11 - Feeling tired this evening. Tonight is going to be an early one.
krzygrsshppr: Day 9 - Enough said.
krzygrsshppr: Day 8 - Savoring a quiet moment just after dinner and dishes are done and the rest of the night is mine.
krzygrsshppr: Day 7 - After a long day I still see myself clearly.
krzygrsshppr: Day 6 - Hand stretched out to some very pretty flowers. Was at the store shopping and thought they were so pretty.
krzygrsshppr: Day 5 - Can you see my reflection in the picture? Thought it was cool. I tried!!
krzygrsshppr: Day 4 - Playfulness. Peek-a-boo!!!
krzygrsshppr: Day 3 - This girl right here can do anything she sets her mind to. Believe me I know her!!
krzygrsshppr: Day 2 - Time to nourish my soul between work and home. Rock out to some awesome beats, listen to an audiobook or keep things quiet. My ride home is time for me.
krzygrsshppr: Day 10
krzygrsshppr: Day 9 - Self care
krzygrsshppr: Day 8 - Grateful.
krzygrsshppr: Day 7 - fun picture!!
krzygrsshppr: Day 6 - Beloved Beginnings. Nice cup of cold water.