john kryewinske: Phalaenopsis Acker's Sweetie
pu5z3k: oOOo
hazza3d: Sharin' the Chiron
Lele-hh: Geschwisterchen - Siblings
lamoustique: Prepare to be dive-bombed
Don Delaney: Yellow Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium parviflorum)
Jean-Michel Babin: Aigrette garzette.
Calle Söderberg: The Royal Exception, Pt. 3 - _TNY_6496
Wivelrod: Cleaning
ian ok: Common Darter
seppomie: Turdus pilaris - Fieldfare
Eric Gofreed: Defying Gravity: The Quail's Leap
fotio14: Regentag / rainy day ( Italy )
fotio14: Aussicht auf Sonne oder regen ? / Prospect of sun or rain ? ( Italy )
Hammerchewer: Vermilion Flycatcher female
Hammerchewer: Vermilion Flycatcher male
Bolle1111: Marsh tit (Poecile palustris)
oldbourbonguy: Dahlia Gallery Monet
mycanek: Netřesk (Sempervivum)
Dale Harding: House Flies and Allies (Family Muscidae)
Jose Lozada Nature Photography: Cóndor andino !! Córdoba
Warrener: Common Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus
Warrener: Lesser Redpoll - Acanthis cabaret
fotio14: Sonne in den Gassen / Sun in the alleys ( Italy )
Andy Morffew: The male osprey arrives home with supper!
achtmart: Mute Swan Family / Höckerschwanfamilie
Sven ( Gefleckter Brennnesselrüssler (Nedyus quadrimaculatus)
oliver_hb: Fingerhut im Wald