Nicopope: Grosbec casse-noyaux mâle 6 - Hawfinch - Kernbeisser - Coccothraustes coccothraustes
The Owl Man: Ears Up! (Short-Eared Owl)
Stefano B.54: Occhiocotto - Sardinian Warbler - Sylvia melanocephala
Slow Turning: The Song is on 'Hold' Until Spring
Hanexux: buitre leonado (gyps fulvus) - Griffon Vulture
PedroLMarques: Frango-d’água (Rallus aquaticus)
PedroLMarques: Pisco-de-peito-azul (Luscinia svecica)
LynnS shorebirdsnmore: American Kestrel With Prey
LynnS shorebirdsnmore: Rough-legged Hawk - I Forgot To Shave My Legs
LynnS shorebirdsnmore: Semipalmated Plover On The Run
LynnS shorebirdsnmore: The Flamenco Dancer
LynnS shorebirdsnmore: Western Snowy Plover At Sunset
LynnS shorebirdsnmore: The Young Explorer
LynnS shorebirdsnmore: She's Trying To Grab My Tail Again, Isn't She?
LynnS shorebirdsnmore: Pocket Gopher For Dinner
LynnS shorebirdsnmore: Coming At You!
LynnS shorebirdsnmore: Shortie At Sunset
philsfotos1: Merlin
philsfotos1: Dunlin
jvverde: Yellow Wattlebird // Papa-mel-de-barbela-amarela
jvverde: Yellow-throated Honeyeater // Papa-mel-de-garganta-amarela
jvverde: Strong-billed Honeyeater // Papa-mel-de-bico-forte
quintfineartphoto: Cedar Waxwing
quintfineartphoto: Early Morning Flight
quintfineartphoto: Reddish Egret
quintfineartphoto: Marbled Godwit
quintfineartphoto: Lilac-Breasted Roller
quintfineartphoto: Sandhill Crane & Colt
alan jackman: Bald Eagle, Conowingo Dam