Amazing Sky Photography: Winter Sky Setting in Twilight at Dinosaur Park
LionArt1970: Storm rolling over the Grand Canyon
Amazing Sky Photography: Arc of the Auroral Oval and the Winter Sky
frankastro: catalina_EOS760d-Megrez72-20160203
frankastro: catalina_EOS760d-Megrez72-20160203-b
Themagster3: NGC 2359 Thor's helmet just visible in this image of the SE sky.
olliebroadie: Orion's Belt, Flame & Horsehead Nebula. Widefield.
Sculptor Lil: Possibly a kestrel ...
Steve_P_Knight: Comet Catalina + GPS Satellite
Steve_P_Knight: Comet Catalina movement
Ritzelmut: C2013US10-2016-01-17-2p-mosaic_2x9x90sec_ISO3200_A7sDS_noFilter_flat&bias_RASA_EQ8
Roger Hutchinson: 20160118 21-30 Moon
jschr338: Messier 46
Ted_Roger_Karson: Waxing Gibbous, 72% of the Moon is Illuminated. IMG_4168
Rob Pettengill: HDR Waxing Gibbous Moon 160119 0131 UT
Cloggy1970: 79.9% Waxing Gibbous Moon
Sculptor Lil: The Moon as the Sun set 19 Jan 2016
Roger Hutchinson: 20160119 19-04 Moon in Hyades
frankastro: Comet_CATALINA_20160117_EOS760d_Megrez72_5
nicklucas2: Well Done Tim
nicklucas2: Bulb Trails January 15
kokehtz: M82_2048p_v2
spicey_spiney: Partial 22 degree halo, 12:30GMT 13/01/16
metrolinaszabi: ISS enlarged version
Amazing Sky Photography: Aircraft Contrail Shadow at Sunset
frankastro: M46-M47-20160112-eos350d-megrez72_2
twinklespinalot: NGC 869 & NGC 884
Alexandr Tikki: Orange paradise
nicklucas2: Star Trails Jan 13 With 20mm