John N Hoang:
Caspian Tern Shaking Off Water
John N Hoang:
Flying with wet feathers
John N Hoang:
Catching with closed eyes
John N Hoang:
John N Hoang:
A bouque from nature
John N Hoang:
Locked talons
John N Hoang:
Osprey picking up a Kokanee Salmon
John N Hoang:
Cedar Waxwing
John N Hoang:
Caught alive
John N Hoang:
02Z or Twozee
John N Hoang:
'Greetings before sunrise'
John N Hoang:
Food transfer
Michel Idre - 10 millions de vues merci:
Gorgebleue à miroir roux
Gladys Klip:
Haas / hare / lièvre
Gladys Klip:
Buizerd / buzzard/ busard / Blauwe reiger / grey heron / héron cendré
Gladys Klip:
Steenuil / little owl / chevêche d'athéna
Gladys Klip:
Wespendief / honey buzzard / bondrée apivore
Gladys Klip:
Grondeekhoorn / ground squirrel / écureuil terrestre / haas / hare / lièvre
Bruno Pesenti:
Bruno Pesenti:
Gabriel Gabi:
Florian Girardin:
Pic cendré
Florian Girardin:
Autour des palombes Accipiter gentilis 50
Jarek S. "Jerry":
Nuno Xavier Moreira:
Coruja-das-torres, Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Nuno Xavier Moreira:
Gineta, Genet (Genetta genetta)
Nuno Xavier Moreira:
Veado, Red deer (Cervus elaphus)
Alastair Marsh Photography:
Iberian Lynx