haydee_ek: L'amour
Witoldhippie: Siproeta stelenes ( Explored 13-10-2014 )
csnyder103: Buglemeister
Surfpix.au: Indecent proposal.
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC_9700 Painted Lady. (Explore 12.10.14)
mitramirae: day two hundred and seventy one. explored.
Big*Al*Davies: The Brotherhood (duo)
ThomasMueller.Photography: have you seen my baby
TheArchGeek: M240-2014-10-12 Fall Walk 1
Peter Schlyter: Wedding water reflection
Creepella Gruesome: The Offering
Cristian Arghius: Autumn beetle - II
Cole Chase Photography: Autumn Colors viewed from Brockway Mountain
Cyjinx: Shhh!
Tbant: Otter at Longleat Safari park.
Gaz-zee-boh: 'Two's Company Three's a Crowd'
Lala Lands: Caboose
Matt Anderson Photography: Blood Moon eclipse Oct 8 2014
Neorev: Valeria
j.a.kok: siberische tijger amersfoort IMG_0939
NIKKI O BRIEN: Stag -Phoenix Park
PittsJay: DSC_7884
andabata: Up close and personal
BrigitteE1: watching Polar Bear TV ;-) explore 2014-10-08
Leah Lefevre Sandomirskaya: River Thames, St. Paul's Cathedral and Millennium Bridge viewed from Tate Modern balcony
cr8ed4joy: Scrub Jay
andy.63: Ewe looking at me - Explore 09/10/014
Jim Liestman: Lunar Eclipse
Deborah Freeman: from beginning of summer this is the little Harbour Seal