Alex Szymanek: Snow over the city
Alex Szymanek: Watching the snow fall over the Chicago river
Alex Szymanek: talking
ukaaa: Pentax 01▸07
art y fotos: Pentax Spotmatic
Greyscale3: Pentax Spotmatic SPII, Sunny 16, Kodak Portra 160, Auto Yashinon 50/2
nefotografas: EXA-1b_home 2013-07_diptych_025 copy
Novemberkind: pinhole shot
petranovskaja: exa-ostsee1
Roberto Carbajo Nogueira: Zona Vella/Rúa Flórez.Old Town/Flórez street. Pontevedra
Wolfgang Moersch: Holga-Paddock
thorburn: Holga#151
Iranzu Vega: Buscando un hogar ( Homeless)
captured by bond: zoom by strike 800_1663
captured by bond: rays of corn_8009842
captured by bond: Morning with the Mittens_8005143
captured by bond: booming system 800_2757
sjnnyny: Autumn afternoon, Ogunquit shore 2013
RavenF2: 24. Rajd Dolnośląski 2014
Alex Szymanek: get away
Franchesco cr: La luz al final del tunel
Antonio Piccialli: the pug and .....the owner
Antonio Piccialli: what happens.....
Xubaet: Laurel and Hardy
kennethpetersen1749: DSC_0061_edited-1-2
kennethpetersen1749: DSCN2912_edited-1-1
Iranzu Vega: Cosecha al atardecer (Harvesting at sunset)
Felice_Miccadei: ... al tramonto ...