Lena Pettersen - lenpett: Northernlights Tromsø
Miller Visual Productions: Strange Days- Undisclosed Location, CA (Explored)
cliveg004: A stick in the water - Explored 120915 #174
reflectioninapool: Luminous Milky Way
Suzie Noble: black darter.................explored, thank you
Jackson Carvalho: King in Savannah
nils.velte-online.de: Autumn feelings
nils.velte-online.de: Behind the Scenes
John C. House: Meadow Mushrooms
blichb: Märchenschloss
José Luis Pérez Navarro: Rinoceronte blanco
Thomas Bertelmann: Grünblättriger Schwefelkopf.
Virtutis76: Waldsee
nils.velte-online.de: summerfeeling
danieljacoby1: Kornfeld
danieljacoby1: Wolkenstrom
danieljacoby1: Wasserlauf
danieljacoby1: Untergehendes Schiff